It's only been six days since I last posted, but a lot sure has happened.
A few new people, a new instrument (Henry's old instrument), a trip to Taiwan and Japan, a week in Seattle, a starring role on Wisconsin's Premiere German Broadway Stage, an incredibly bland and flat looking English diploma that cries pathetic sitting next to my Latin diploma, months of Sunshine, family and friends in Boston, New Hampshire, and Maine, here I sit in the old computer room, this time with a few burnt out bulbs on my keyboard. There's the verbal conglomerate of last year. Moving forward.
"To change the world" is a heavy and burdensome sentiment. "Change the world? Yeah right. Hunger, aids, over population, no water, packaging, chaotic and in-congruent ethics, a million languages, a trillion opinions, wind and rain, mass media, no media, and never-ending wars? No way."
Of course not. How could one possibly address the world when the world is more than one can describe in a lifetime?
It's not in your power to re-write the world, but it is in your power to influence and affect the network in which you find yourself. Think of the world not as a platform for massive problems, each a separate and isolated entity living and dying in its own circle, but as a network of people. To change the world isn't to barricade off a problem and drown it out with aid, but to shape your own lifestyle in a positive way, such that your actions foster a better world and encourage positive behavior in the immediate circle around you. Even if the 'world' to which your actions apply is just the house you live in, that's valuable. Your house is a part of the network of friends, family, and guests that visit it, and the way you hold your house, the way you hold yourself, sets example. Change isn't an action on a target; it is a growth.
The actions you choose to make and the life you choose to lead will not eradicate any problem from this world in a week's time, but it doesn't have to! The life you lead does make a difference, even if just in the community around you, and that difference grows. There's no need to 'change the world;' don't be overwhelmed and jaded by that. All you need to do is lead an actively considerate and responsible life yourself, be a leader even if just for you and a friend, and let change spread.
Don't be jaded :).
Scatterings of a Year:

Nick, Ike, and I in Chicago for Tom Harrell, Jazz Trumpet. October/November. Thanks for the photo Anjuli :).

Taiwan. Henry and I at the Cat's Pajamas Hostel. Christmas.

Taiwan with Shannon. Thanks Shannon!

The Crew! Taiwan.

Nick and Henry in Taiwan.

Japan! Early January.

Myself and awesome museum owner/artist man in Kyoto.


Bikes at the wonderful Design Festa Gallery in Tokyo (
Jumping ahead!

A trip to Door County with three lovely friends. July.

Greta makes us yummy potatoes and carrots and beets. Camping trip, early August.


Pick it up.




City Feed & Supply, my favorite place to eat in Boston.

Party at the Kenyon's with friends from Wisconsion round II.

Mother, son, and daughter-in-law.

APRICOTS!. Anna Zeide this photo is for you. Beautiful fresh food. :)

Mama Jone Breakfast. The best.

Our global social network. See how it works? You don't have to solve the world's problems, you just have to fix the circle you live in, and then the circles fix the world.